Wandering Thoughts




ちゃんとto-do リストを作って事前に準備を(ほぼ)完璧にしていたのに。



















I honestly don't know why things sometimes just don't go as planned. 

I had everything all planned well in advance, crossing them off my to-do list the night before. 

Getting the final green light, it was supposed to proceed as planned without a hitch. 

I was supposed to feel elated by getting things done.  


There are at least two things which haven't gone as I had anticipated, both of which are beyond my control. 

I feel the heat and quite frustrated, but I cannot do anything about them. 

As if to add salt to the injury, my colleague has just dropped a bomb which she should have shared with me sooner but kept to herself until minutes ago. 
Had she shared that piece of information, I would have, and could have changed my tac. 

Consequently, I couldn't help but take my pent-up frustration and irritation out on her, which I know all too well that's not an ideal attitude as her senior. 

In fact, the fault lies with me. 

I shouldn't have based my move on my assumption to begin with. 

I shouldn't have so relied on my past experiences and assumed it should be OK. 

You cannot control nor change how others proceed or do their tasks. 



To tell the truth, I've still been waiting for a document since the day before which is crucial to my next move. 

I expected to receive it this morning but it's already half past three p.m. and there's hardly any sign of it arriving any time soon. 

They usually send us that type of documents by express and the person in charge said she would send it the next day, which, for us, yesterday. 

I wonder what is going on. 

Has there been a massive delay or something in the postal service due to the increased volume of snail mails towards the end of the year, or don't tell me she posted it as a regular mail! 

Again, there's nothing I can do. It was my fault to be too reliant on exterior factors. 
I should have been smarter. I could have done better. 

That said though, I will definitely inquire what posting method she used to mail the document. 

It needs to arrive tomorrow morning at the VERY latest. 

Will keep my fingers crossed.