Wandering Thoughts




There was one thing that got me thinking during the mid-summer (what we call "Obon") holiday this year. 

I was back at my family's house helping them to tackle one of the busiest times of the year.

 (Note: To be fair, my family's house is located within a 30-minute distance from where I'm living by car and all the family members had already been fully vaccinated. I humbly ask you to refrain from pointing a finger at me and yelling that I shouldn't have gone home.)


The thought occurred to me on the 15th, when I was officially liberated from the steady (sometimes frantic) stream of visitors. We had hardly any followers coming on that day, and I had virtually nothing to do. 

I went to my sister-in-law who's now in charge of the domestic staff to ask if there was anything I can help with and she gave me a steadfast "Nope. Nothing. You go and relax."

I told her to give me a holler if she needed a helping hand and went back to my mom's room where I was staying during my visit. 

I looked around the vacant room (my mom was out at that time) and decided to vacuum the room while she was away, but it didn't even occupy a quarter of an hour of my time. 

You may say "Why not take full advantage of your free time and take a nap?" but I didn't feel up for that.  Then, I heard a noise coming from outside, and there she was; my sister-in-law was raking fallen leaves from the rain we had had in the previous two days and she didn't solicit my help. A feeling that's akin to a sense of guilt started smoldering in the back of my mind.  

Yes, I thought it was really lazy of me to take a nap while my sister-in-law was working and my brother was making rounds to our followers' houses to conduct Obon rituals. I could have gone to help my sister-in-law but she unequivocally told me to chill. I thought better of imposing my "help" onto her when she might have needed some downtime from me.

So I stayed put, feeling listless and uneasy. Downright uncomfortable. But why?

It is funny when you think about it; many so-called inspirational or self-help articles now screaming the importance of having some time of your own where you are free from any obligations or external pressure to take a breather and reflect on your own. It all sounds quite salubrious and effective to cultivate a healthy mindset. I could have simply embraced the unexpected downtime that fell into my lap. 

I, on the other hand, found myself wringing my hands and becoming all jittery. I wished I had had something or anything, to occupy my time. I even thought it would have been way better to be busy than bored. 

Then it struck me; this might have been the exemplification of the notion "being busy is always good."

This goes against the idea touted by the book titled "Essentialism" which I recently finished reading. 


Instead of being selective in my activities and priorities to better direct my energy and concentration, I was blindly trying to busy myself and not think I'm being lazy. 

Even unbeknownst to me, I had fallen into this famous trap - being firmly and securely tethered to the idea of having to busy myself constantly, literally all the time to the extent I would feel guilty when I have nothing to do. 

Having nothing to do and being lazy are two different things. You can choose not to do anything to free your mind and brain when you can actually do a lot of stuff if you are willing to. Despite knowing all this, I was still plagued by a sense of guilt for being idle. Old habits die hard, as they say. 

A tacit external pressure must have been behind my uneasiness though. I don't think I would have been as listless and uneasy as I was if I had been at home, not at my family's house. I would do nothing by choice but there at my family's house, it could be a blatant sign of idleness and I didn't want that. 

Either way, I spent another half an hour turning the thoughts over in my mind and decided to just chill as I was told.  I still felt a bit uncomfortable but I figured I would be summoned if a helping hand was indeed necessary. 

One takeaway from that experience was how complex our emotions are.  We often complain about the lack of time, but once given "the time" we have no idea what to do with it. Severely encumbered by the misrepresented virtue of busyness, we unwittingly corner ourselves into a tough position. I suppose things would go much much easier and more smoothly if the complexity of human emotions were removed from the equation. A lot of conflicts would have been taken out of as well.  

That said though, it is also an undeniable truth and I am firmly convinced that our emotions are what defines us as humans and what makes us sensible and considerate towards others. 
Most importantly, that's what makes our life really interesting and worth venturing.











最近読み終えた Essentialism というノンフィクションでも、何にでもYes を言って許容範囲以上のものを引き受けて疲弊してしまうよりも、優先順位や自分にとって何が大切なのかを見極めて集中的に、ピンポイントでエネルギーを注ぐことがより効率的であり成果も上げられる、と書いてありました。ああ、なるほどなと感銘深く読んだのを覚えています。






